ZapWorks X Sipsmith competition - expert judging begins

Wow, what a rollercoaster the last few weeks have been! Back when we first announced our ZapWorks X Sipsmith AR Creators Competition, we knew that the ZapWorks creative community were going to be going all out to impress us with their immersive experience ingenuity. But I think I speak for everyone involved here at both Zappar and Sipsmith when I say that we've been stunned yet again by the sheer effort, quality and dedication that has been poured (no pun intended...) into every entry we received. So first and foremost, if you contributed to the competition, a massive thank you and congratulations.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It makes my heart race seeing the behind the scenes photos. Are they looking at my project? Do they like it? Did I forget something?
On pins and needles, yet honored to have such great judges judging us!

Good Luck to all!!
