What Unity script controls Hiding/Showing of Object?


I am using Unity to test out Zapworks and its awesome! One thing I am trying to do is be able to trigger an event before the object gets hidden when it loses the target? What script/code fires this off so I can trigger a fade-out before it disappears?


Hey again,

I solved this by copying the code used in the Z.cs file from the static class called PipelineCameraPoseWithOrigin and modified it to this:

	public static bool WillTargetHideBegin(IntPtr o, Matrix4x4 pose, float prevPos) {
		bool hideWillBegin = false;
		float[] arg_pose = new float[16];
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
				arg_pose[i * 4 + k] = pose[k, i];
		IntPtr ret = zappar_pipeline_camera_pose_with_origin(o, arg_pose);
		float[] retFloats = new float[16];
		Marshal.Copy(ret, retFloats, 0, 16);
		Matrix4x4 retMatrix = new Matrix4x4();
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
				retMatrix[k, i] = retFloats[i * 4 + k];
		float posX = float.Parse(retMatrix[2].ToString());
        //Don't check if the position hasn't changed as to not overdo checks
		if(posX != prevPos){
            //If X position is 0 then the object is not on screen; thus the object is going to be hidden
			if(posX == 0){
				hideWillBegin = true;
		return hideWillBegin;

Then I went ahead and made an edited setup with the ZapparCamera.cs file which replaces the UpdatePose class:

void UpdatePose()
        if (anchorOrigin == null)
            if (cameraAttitudeFromGyro)
                m_cameraPose = Z.PipelineCameraPoseWithAttitude(m_pipeline, useFrontFacingCamera);
                m_cameraPose = Z.PipelineCameraPoseDefault(m_pipeline);
        	//Did we turn on delay usage?
	        	Matrix4x4 anchorPose = anchorOrigin.AnchorPoseCameraRelative();
	        	//Reference the previous position
	        	float posX = float.Parse(m_cameraPose[2].ToString());
		        if(WillTargetHideBegin(m_pipeline, anchorPose, posX)){
		        	startDelay = true;
		        	//Trigger the new Before Marker Hidden event
		        //Count till reach time before finally hiding the object
			        delayTimeCount += Time.deltaTime;
			        if(delayTimeCount > delayTime) {
				        m_cameraPose = Z.PipelineCameraPoseWithOrigin(m_pipeline, anchorPose);
				        delayTimeCount = 0f;
	        			startDelay = false;
			        m_cameraPose = Z.PipelineCameraPoseWithOrigin(m_pipeline, anchorPose);
	        }else{//Otherwise hide objects the default way with no delay
		        Matrix4x4 anchorPose = anchorOrigin.AnchorPoseCameraRelative();
	        	m_cameraPose = Z.PipelineCameraPoseWithOrigin(m_pipeline, anchorPose);

	    Matrix4x4 cameraPoseUnity = Z.ConvertToUnityPose(m_cameraPose);
	    transform.localPosition = Z.GetPosition(cameraPoseUnity);
	    transform.localRotation = Z.GetRotation(cameraPoseUnity);
	    transform.localScale = Z.GetScale(cameraPoseUnity);


Now this should allow you to do whatever you want before the object gets hidden using the new event. Make sure to add that event to the ZapperImageTrackingTarget script:

public UnityEvent m_OnWillNotBeSeenEvent;



Hi @jrDev - great job!

We love seeing the different ways that users play around with the Universal AR SDK to make it suit their projects/make it their own - it’s super inspiring!

Have a great day,
Francesca :blush:

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Had to comment out and test a lot of code to figure out what script controlled the hiding/showing of the object though (which is what I wanted to know) before I could modify the script. Hopefully someone else can find use in this.
