WebAR - stats

Hi @Seb and @George,

Hope you guys are doing well.

I’m using the WebAR deeplink to launch AR from social posts.

I’d like to re-clarify my understanding of the “total scans” metric.

Is this when a user taps on the WebAR link and takes you to the https://web.zappar.com/ page?
Or is it when the user taps Launch on the https://web.zappar.com/ page? and it launches the experience?

I think it’s the latter but just want to confirm as we’re looking into drop off rates from Social Post -> link -> launch experience.


Hey @johan1,

We’re keeping well, thank you, hope you are too!

Experiences launched via WebAR will count a scan when the content is loaded ie. after the user has tapped the Launch option.

Hope this helps.

All the best,

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That is perfect thank you @Seb!

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In addition to this question: What is the difference between engagements and views? I need to find out what is counted when to set up a correct calculation for our customer and I am unsure what is meant with engagements. Can you help, @Seb?

Hi there,

I’d recommend you check out our article on Costs Per Engagement; An engagement (previously a “scan” or a “view”) is defined as a single instance in which an end-user launches your ZapWorks content via one of its triggers e.g. zapcode, QR code, etc.

Note that if your content is launched via a preview zapcode, it is not counted towards your total engagement allowance.

We’re here if you’d like further clarification.


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