Web AR crash on Iphone only

When we fire-up the experience on a iPhone in Safari it gives an error just before the unlocking has completed.
Error: https://web.zappar.com/?zid=z/GTci1c&rs-0&menu=0&toolbar=’’

Was working fine on the 5the of October
Any one got any idea’s?


test-qr error-screenshot-iphone-safari

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Hi @ron,

It looks like George was able to answer your ticket, but just in case this is helpful to anybody:

We highly recommend keeping your experiences on or around 5MB, therefore it is critical that your experience is as optimised as possible. We have a fantastic article here that goes over the different ways in which you can optimise your content.

We also recommend clearing your device cache as often as possible when testing. Occassionally, data can be saved or platforms can be updated, so clearing your device cache is a great way of ensuring you’re viewing your experience as a first time consumer would. :muscle:

Have a great day!
Francesca :blush: