Playing FBX imported timelines directly from script?

I have imported an FBX model with materials and multiple animations intact…


All timelines play just fine from the symbol definition. However, only the “full” timeline plays when invoked from a script as follows…

parent.on("pointerdown", (e) => {
   const Rocket_Anim = symbol.nodes.Rocket_Anim;

Studio doesn’t complain at all when one of the other timelines is referenced as follows…

Rocket_Anim.controllers.animations.timeline('Rocket Orbit').play();

…but it simply doesn’t work. Should it? If not, is there a way to play just a specific range/subset of the full timeline - e.g. from 300 - 900ms?

Just to follow up on this…

I’m not entirely sure what the issue was, but it seems to be working as expected now. I suspect an error or misunderstanding on my part initially.