File size increases in Studio?

Hi there,

Apologies in advance if this is a dumb question, but I’m noticing that 3D models (.fbx) that are a couple KBs after export increase to a few MBs in the final download size in Studio. Why is this?


Cause your project have other elements, not your 3D model only… I guess.

I don’t have any textures so I cant image what else would be taking up space…I also have a model that reduced in size in Zappar :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Hi @ashlee.fms,

All model formats (other than glTF) are converted to .pod files when imported into Studio. You’ll see this when you import it and subsequently a modal appears saying “Converting Model”. If you right-click on the model in the Media Library and export it you’ll see this. Size increase may happen here, but it depends on the different file formats.

I hope this clears it up.
