Event for "Experience Loaded"?

Which event fires as soon as the experience is loaded? I don’t mean the “seen” event for a tracked image, but rather an event that fires when the experience itself is “ready”. I’ve searched the docs, but I must be overlooking something (or using the incorrect search term). I’m guessing that I’m missing something really simple. :confused:

(Basically, once the experience is loaded, I’d like to instruct the user to do something to reveal a tracked image.)

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Ok so this maybe wrong. I’m just doing this off of the top of my head.
I think you want on Ready from root. To start your experience. Then you can use https://docs.zap.works/studio/scripting/reference/targetgroup/functions/trackingenabled-getter/
To turn on the tracking image.
You will want to set whatever your doing to z.screen till your tracking image is on.

You will have to test it to make sure.


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You can just use parent ready on the main symbol.

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Hi @shot,

A ready event will fire when the given node is loaded. Most nodes can be dragged directly into a script to create a ready event. You can also right-click on the root node to create a root ready event handler, which will run once the experience is launched.

You will get an event handler like this -

parent.on("ready", () => {
	// Runs when ready occurs on the parent node

        //Activate prompt to user here. 


Much like ready events, target images also fire seen and not seen events respectively. Right-clicking or dragging the target image into a script will allow for seen and not seen event handlers to be created.

symbol.nodes.Target_Image.on("seen", () => {
	// Runs when seen occurs on the Target Image.jpg.zpt node
	//Activate tracked content
symbol.nodes.Target_Image.on("notseen", () => {
	// Runs when notseen occurs on the Target Image node
	//Activate user prompt

Here’s an example project that might help - Seen and not seen example.zpp (300.3 KB)

You can find lots more information about this here, as well how the above can be set up using Actions.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks @George and @stevesanerd. “ready” on the root node is I think what I’m after. I already have “seen” and “notseen” working. :+1: