Changing the parent of a pushed subsymbol

Hey Guys,
I wanted to create an experience where a jet flies over and it leaves behind a smoke trail.

I can’t use a video as the jet is moving in a curve.

So,i am using particle effect instead.

The problem with particle effect though is that it is attached to a parent and it can not leave a trail behind.

I tried changing the parent but there doesn’t seem to be an option for that inside a subsymbol from where the smoke is coming.

Any possible solution would be much appreciated.


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You’re probably going to want to do something outside of the sub symbol. set up a new group and track where the sub symbols position is and place things in the new group relative to it as the sub symbol moves.


Thanks @stevesanerd

That might be it.

I’ll try that out.


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Beware that when animating an object along a bezier curve, the position vector of that object remains the same even though it is moving through space. The only workaround I could figure out is sending my particles to the position of a hand-animated plane loosely following the same curve.

Also this thread has a few sample particle systems you can mess around with: Help in particle

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Hey Joshua,

I recently got to figure that out and i am doing something similar to what you’ve stated.

Thanks a lot,I’ll check that out.
