Can't Import 3D objects... not even a cube from PC

Hello Guys,

Is anyone else having real issues importing 3D objects at the moment (PC). I’ve been building a model and had no luck what so ever importing it into Zapworks so out of curiosity I thought Id just bring in a simple cube and nothing…



I’ve tried my Usual FBX 2018, FBX 2015 and OBJ.

Any news guys… still can’t get it to work. Working on an urgent job for a client!

Thanks Guys.

I was going to say maybe the file size had something to do with it. But I am no expert so I’m not going to be much help. I did have the same issue but my file was enormous. Small or low poly files work best.

Make sure you are Following the zapper documentation on what’s acceptable and how to Import and Export.

Also when you say it’s not working Can you be more explicit on what’s not working. Are you getting errors. Does model not look right. Explain, please.


Hello Steve,

I’ve been using Zappar for a while now for various projects and always have success with models. Today I was having trouble importing an fbx with UV/imagemap as I usually do but from a PC. A bit puzzled, I thought I’d create a simple cube, uv and texture it. Dragging it into Zappar there are no errors but the model isn’t visible in the preview window although it was still asking for me to drop the jpg image map in. Everything went into Zappar, dragged it onto the main stage and nothing.

A little puzzled. While writing this reply, I’m now wondering if the actual scale of an object can cause a problem (only thing I haven’t checked) as everything else is how I do things as usual.

Screenshots= 1: Cube in Modo, exported as FBX - 2: Imported into Zapworks, no preview but image map added - 3: On stage, no preview.


I would normally do this on a MAC but working from home on a PC. Pretty sure I’m not doing anything wrong here as I do it all the time. Possibly a PC thing?

Ok I see now.

If it’s a really big model you can have this problem. You can on import drop the size or in the symbol try changing it there.


I’ll try scaling it down in size before exporting and let you know.

Thanks for your reply.


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SOLVED!: That was the issue. Mesh size was WAAAAYYY TOO BIG! (Physically that is, NOT Polys)… I won’t forget this one!


Glad you got it!!
Yea it’s something you wont for get.
