Can a Raycaster object work on a SCREEN Symbol

I want to have a Popup that plays a hosted MP4 video and have buttons for " Play" “Pause” and “Close”. In headset mode the user would position the crosshair over either button to activate or close the Screen. Right now the crosshair just stays centered. I know the Screen sub symbol is relative to the screen but wondering if there is a way to enable the crosshair to move around and select objects on it.

Hi again @eprentice,

If you’re looking to set up interactive ‘hot spots’ while in headset mode I recommend checking out Part 5 of the following tutorial as it does just that.

Transitioning Photospheres

Hope this helps.

All the best,

Hello Sebastian
Thanks for the reply. I am actually asking if the Raycaster can work on a “Screen Sub Symbol”. It works fine on the 360 Image/ Sphere of course ( like the example you refer to). When I activate a Screen Sub Symbol that Pops Up “over” the 360 Image, the crosshair does not move but stays centered. I want the screen Popup to have a Video with “Pause” , “Play”, and “Close Screen” buttons. This way the screen is stationary and covers the 360 Sphere View until it is closed. I hope there is a way to make that method work! :slight_smile:

Thanks for clarifying @eprentice.

If you think of the screen as a 2D plane, a raycaster that is relative to the screen will cast a ray perpendicular to the plane, meaning it won’t intersect with any other objects that are also positioned relative to the screen.

All the best,

Thanks for the reply Sebastian,

I do understand that. What I am asking is the cursor stops moving when the Screen Symbol pops up over the 360 Sphere. It pops up a a stationary plane. I want to have a videoplayer on the plane and then the cursor moves and selects the Play, Pause, or Close button to return the user to the 360 Photosphere view. Is there code to keep the Cursor ( Raycaster) moving even when a Screen Symbol is popped up over the Photosphere?

Hey @eprentice,

When a new screen subsymbol is activated it isn’t overlayed over the current scene. Instead, it sends the user to a new, separate scene.

This means that the raycaster from the parent symbol won’t be active when the new screen symbol is activated, but you can create one in the new screen symbol to handle the interaction within that scene.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

All the best,