Zap-alytics country regions

We love the ability to see which countries used Zappar to interact with our campaigns. What would be great if we could narrow down the analytics to include the countries’ regions/states as well and perhaps cities.

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Hi @garym @Seb
I think this feature that you have requested is available.
( Q. Is it possible to see the regions more granularly than just by country (i.e., states, counties, cities)?
A. Not through the standard Zapalytics tool. There are potentially some custom solutions for this which you can contact us to discuss.
I requested Caspar to announce me the fee of this feature but I didn’t receive any reply.

Hi Gary,

To expand on Seyed’s reply (thanks for that!) it’s best if you contact for further information :slight_smile:

Hope to hear from you,

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Thanks Bob!