Z.Prompt very specific error

For some reason, Z.Prompt does not recognize the entry “SHELLS”. If I try to enter that particular word into the prompt, it thinks I typed in “S*#%!”. I’m not censoring language here, that’s the literal string it sees.

I built a zap that just has a text node, and a script with the following code, and I still see the behavior:

var prompt = Z.Prompt({
title: "Title",
text: "Enter a word"


prompt.on("confirm", (password : string)=>{

Oh, I just realized it’s probably an overactive profanity filter. However, it’s still a bug, as A.) SHELLS should not be filtered, regardless of substrings, and B.) The problem happens even if I set filterProfanity: false.

Hi There,

Having tested this on our end, it appears that there are a couple of bugs here leading to the word being censored:

  1. On Android the filterProfanity setting which should be false by default is being ignored, even if you specifically set it to be false.
  2. The filtering should only be applied to words in the right context. I believe it is censoring the word “shells” because it contains the word “hell”, which is a bug.

I’ve passed both of these onto the platform team and we’ll let you know when we have an update.

Apologies for the inconvenience,
