Webcam not working in playmode windows

Downloaded this sample project for testing in unity. but when I am running it in playmode its showing black screen and no camera running. there is no error in console so not being able to trace the issue.

these are my system configurations:

  • Ryzen5, Amd Radeon graphics, 8gb Ram
  • Unity version - 2021.3.4f1, 2020.3.32f1
  • Zappr version - latest from github

I have tried reimporting the zappar-package and the other workarounds like these.

please help me out with this.

Hi @anshul
Do you get a dropdown option for EditorCamera on ZapparCamera script in editor?

Make sure you have an active camera device available on system and it’s not used by any other process!


I am checked Editor Camera Option, it have only one option ‘Integrated WebCam’ which is selected, After that, I am running it in playmode its showing black screen and no camera running.
plz help me to what to do.


I have the same problem. I already tried installing other applications for webcam (I always use my cell phone and the Iriun Webcam application) and nothing works for me.
Any help with this please?