Target image not showing problem

My target image is showing only chess board once dragged into the hierarchy. I tried to preview but error saying ‘file does not exist’ pop up. Please help.


Hi @elearning.imu,

The checkerboard is displayed when the target file is missing.

Could you please send your project’s zpp and target image through to for us to take a closer look?


mine is doing this too, is there a solution for this please?

Hi @belinda.fountaine ,

Please make sure that the image you are trying to train as your tracking image has an even resolution, for instance: 2048 x 1536.

Images with odd resolution, lets say 2047 x 1536, will not train correctly and leave you with the checkerboard error.

If you are still having issues, please send your project’s zpp and target image through to

Thanks. :slight_smile:


@George thanks that was kind of it, I forgot that the image I was trying to train was A1 size, and huge, as soon as I scaled it down it worked.

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