(solved)Objects png images shiver a lot

Hy Guys!

While testing in WEB AR preview mode, I notice that the png images I put on the tracking image start to shiver a lot, as shown in the video attached.Preformatted text

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thank you so much!

hi @gabryfiorenza how did you solve the jitters?

Hi @gabryfiorenza,

I’d recommend having a look at the ‘What makes a good tracking image?’ article and video: https://docs.zap.works/general/design/what-makes-good-tracking-image/

The jitteriness of your experience is solely down to your tracking image not having enough detail or adhering to the best practice rules.

Please make sure the image is detailed, has a high contrast across all parts, has no repetitive patterns and is on a flat matt surface.



The problem was the tracking image which was not so good

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