Rookie in ZapWorks

Hello, I’m new to ZAP WORKS, I’m testing the product, but when I published my project, using my cell phone, I did not show anything. The application reads the marker, but it does not show the image that is presented to it, any ideas that it may be doing wrong?

My cell phone is a Xiaomi Remi 5Plus
My project is:

Thank you

Hola que tal, soy nuevo en esto de ZAP WORKS, estoy probando el producto, pero al momento de publicar mi prouecto, usando el celular, no me muestra absolutamente nada. La app lee el marcador pero no muestra la imagen que le puse, alguna idea de que pueda estar haciendo mal?

Mi celular es un Xiaomi Remi 5Plus
Mi proyecto es:


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My Marker

Hi @ikaroraul20,

It seems there may have been an error when uploading your tracking image as it doesn’t appear on your Designer canvas. It also seems to display a black background in the tracking image thumbnail.

Could you please try removing your tracking image, and re-training it in ZapWorks and let us know if the issue persists?
