Our First Photo AR

I’m really happy to share the first Photo AR we’ve created. Zapcode-Belgium_Air_Days-Photo
We are using this for the Belgium Air Days. Could still use some work, but happy on how it turned out. Love Zap Works Studios functionality. Hopefully, face tracking can be included in the future.



Great work! Here is @Daniel going full TopGun :sunglasses:


I’m liking the look! Great work @rbaldonado :smiley:

I like it!
So how did you get the cut out of the snapshot?
I know your using cropMode but the head shot?

Also after you take the photo but before you save it if you tap in the middle of the screen you can switch between the photos. I don’t know if you meant that or not but it’s cool.


Thank you. Tapping to switch was a happy accident. Basically, I ran out of time to disable the buttons form the previous screen.

For the head shot, I combined the snapshot example and this example Overlay a subject to a 3D model using the camera to achieve it.

Nice sample @rbaldonado !!! :sunglasses: