Optimizing your AR experience ⚡

Hi everyone,

I’m working with our Senior AR Developer, Chris, this week on a new blog that’s designed to support the ZapWorks community in optimizing their AR experiences.

It’s going to focus on general tips and Studio functionality that helps keep the package size of your AR experience down, while still delivering really cool, informative experiences for your users.

Would be great to know:

  • Are there any particularly aspects of AR optimization that you’d like to know more about?

  • What are some of the techniques you use that the community could benefit from?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts - hopefully this will be a really useful bit of content for the ZapWorks community <3. Any feedback or topic suggestions for future blogs, always welcome :grinning:.




Yes!! How to keep file size down with out losing the quality of your imagery?



Awesome - thanks Steve, definitely something we’re going to try and cover!


Hi everyone - just to let everyone know that this should be going live in the next few hours :slight_smile:. Will make sure it’s posted here - feedback and comments always appreciated.

In future, I’m going to start giving a heads-up about upcoming content that we’re putting together, as it would be great to get some community input, as well as making sure we’re giving you blogs that you find valuable.


Hey James. Is this up yet? I would love some input on Steve’s comment.

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