Low quality video on playback

Hi There,

I’m a newbie here so I could use some help.
I’ve got the following problem.
When in designer I use a High quality video as an overlay/scene, in the playback (when triggered) the video is not really Highres but more low-res.

Also name and Icon doesn’t show up on the mobile device!

Any suggestions? Am I missing a High definition setting or something?
Many thanks


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Hi David,

Thanks for contacting us.

We’re aware of an issue which causes high video compression in Designer, causing videos to appear poorer than usual. We’re working on the fix at the moment, and we’ll keep you updated.

In the meantime, if you have access to it, I’d recommend you use Studio, as you’ll have greater control over compression.

Regarding the in-app icon and name, please could you try clearing your cache and data on the device and launch the experience again. Accented characters will also not work in for the in-app name at this moment in time.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Hi David,

Just letting you know that we’ve rolled out an update which resolves an issue with higher than usual video compression in Designer. Videos that are uploaded to Designer should now display with better quality :slight_smile:

Note that videos you upload to Designer are automatically zapified, meaning that videos are converted to a format suitable for the Zappar App. It also compresses your videos to reduce the size of your experience upon download. If you’d like greater control over compression, be sure to use Studio.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, but please let us know if you still have issues and we’ll be happy to help!

All the best,

Hi Bob, how are you. I still with the over compression issue. I have some years in Zappar, so ussually my videos are a perfect quality, but since 2 months ago this issue is here. I try again, but anything




Hi, I have the same problem, very low quality in the videos using Designer, please let me know.
