Funtion like a "back button" in studioprojekt

Hey dear guys,

is it possible to have a function in my project, that allows to go one step back. I shoud be like a “back button”. I am not sure how I can do this.

Best regards

You can make pretty much make anything.
I guess what are you trying to make go back?


My project shoud contain a button, that brings me back to the touch I did bevore. Everything shoud go back, like text, contollers, states, ect. It shoud not only reset to default.


So like a backward step. depends on how you’ve setup your project, you need to have assigned something to know what happened before and what is currently happening now.

for example, my current project has multiple alpha videos and there’s forward and backward button like the usual video playback functions. so what i did is have the videos in an array, and checked which video was visible (cause that means its playing).

like :

var videoarray = [vid1, vid2, vid3];
const Video1 = symbol.nodes.Part1_mp4;

backward_btn.on("pointedown", () => {


cause arrays work in index like for this [1, 2, 3, 4] then digit 4 is at index 3, digit 1 is at index 0.