Edit after publishing

Hi there,

just a probably stupid question: is to possible to edit a project after having published it? Haven’t found anything so far…


There’s no such thing as a stupid question!
To edit a project after publishing it, simply publish the project again over itself.

What does that mean: “simply publish the project again over itself”?

I mean go through the process of publishing, but pick the same project.
If you use Studio, that means hitting the “Publish” button again. It should have the same project selected, which is circled in the screenshot below. To save over your project from that screen, simply hit ‘publish’. If you need to change which project you;re publishing to, hit ‘Change Zapworks Project’

If you’re in Designer, I believe all you have to do is hit the publish button whenever you want to edit.

Now let’s say you want to recover a project that’s been published so you can edit it. Simply scroll down in the project page on my.zap.works and hit the download project button highlighted below

Ah okay - thank you so much for your help!


Hello, i have a question regarding this subject.
I also want to download a project that have been published, but this download button is not available for me, it is something only for paid users? Because i am in trial mode.


Hi @augustosaedigital,

Welcome to Zapworks! :muscle:

To download your Zapworks Studio project, you must first click on it to access the project’s page.

In this instance, you should be able to download the project by clicking on your project’s name (from my.zap.works) and then scrolling down to the project’s Publish Log. :tada:

Have an awesome day!
Francesca :blush: