Click 3d model and isolate or move to new scene

I want to be able to click on a label or model and then move to a completely new scene (open a new area). Is this possible? If so, how please…


Hi there,

To switch to a completely different scene by clicking on a button (label or model), you can use a Screen Symbol as indicated in the Subsymbols documentation.

You’ll need to first create a scene as a project in Studio and export it as a ZPP file. Then, open a new blank project and import the scene’s ZPP file as a subsymbol into the Symbol Definitions panel. Create a button (it can be a model, a label, etc.), below which you add a pointerdown script and set that script so that the scene is displayed when the button is pressed by the user.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :slight_smile:
