Alpha video

Is it possible to arrange an alpha video on a plane or on a tracking image? I can do it in zapworks designer, but alpha videos are available only in zapworks studio and I have no idea how to realize that there.

Hi there,

We have a tutorial on getting alpha video into Studio available on our documentation site.

Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other questions.

All the best,

I’ve read that tutorial =) The problem is that the alpha video is not arranged on a plane, it has not attachment to the definite object. Sorry for my poor english, I hope you understand what I mean.

Thanks for the quick response.

You can train an image in Studio use it as a tracking image.

Content (like the alpha video) placed within the tracking image group in the hierarchy will appear tracked to it when scanned.


Thank you so much! That’s exactly what I needed.

Glad I could help :slight_smile:

Best of luck with your project!

I am looking at creating alpha video in portrait mode, your tutorial is great for landscape viewing, what is the process for portrait mode (like most of your showcase projects). Is it just rotation of the video within studio or do you need to resize when editing in Premier Pro ( or other).

Same process you just need to rotate your plane displaying the video 90 degrees when the phone is in portrait mode, the concept is discussed here -

My Alpha Channel tests seem to always go out of frame. See how the tigers head cuts off? Everything else working great and most of the video is fine but it is as if the video is wider then the video plane. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? Thanks!
PS Loving Zapworks so far!

One more question guys. I am trying to incorporate this test alpha video into the portal tutorial I did. The issue I am having is that the alpha video moves differently then all the png files and I can not figure out why. Here is the image so you can zap it and see. Thanks so much for any input!
here is how the layers are set up. Tiger layer highlighted

Hi @mgoins200,

You may notice in the Augmented Portal tutorial that all of the ‘house’ content (telescope, books, etc.) are positioned at different minus Z-axis values (see step 11). Doing this gives them the behavior of depth.

I’m guessing that your tiger video is still positioned at 0 on the Z-axis, making it seem flat to the target.

Please see the video below to help explain this concept further.


Try moving the tiger video further back, similar to the other pieces of content and see how it performs.

Let me know if this solves the issue.


Hi. Just wanted to say thanks for your help. And apologize for the belated thanks. It has been awhile since I could sit and continue learning zapworks. I appreciate your response it was helpful.