Adjust axis on imported 3d model

Does anyone know how to adjust the axis on an imported 3d model.

Are you looking to just move the model around?
You can go into the model on the right side of zapworks under symbols definitions.
From there you can move it around. FYI it will be treated as the master start point. This will then move the model anywhere else you are using it as well.


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Exactly right @stevesanerd.

You can alter the axis point of a 3D model from within the subsymbol. Just double click into the subsymbol and move the model around. As soon as you go back into the parent (clicking the breadcrumb at the top), the models position will be altered but the 0,0 pivot point will still be in the center.

Using the ‘reset view’ controls might help to position the 3D model along the appropriate axis position in the subsymbol.



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that is exactly what I needed thank you.


Thank you Stevesanerd.

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