3D Photo Feature and Tracking Images

Hello everyone!

Is it possible to use the 3D Photo Feature subsymbol as a tracking image node?

I would like to specifically use the onScreenObject feature, however, nothing happens when I try to interact with the projected object.

Thank you in advance!

Please, any thoughts?

I guess I would like to know what your trying to do?

The photo feature is set to screen so you can’t real track something that’s not there.
Are you trying to make a 3d object you can resize and take a photo with?


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Hello @stevesanerd!

I would like to use the rotation, zoom and translation features that the subsymbol onScreenObject offers, however, on an object with reference to a tracking image.

The target-manipulator subsymbol ends up not being interesting for my application because of the “monoaxis” rotation.

I putted the onScreenObject relative to the tracking image and the 3D model relative to the onScreenObject.

Hope I managed to be clearer, thanks for your reply!

Hey! I am probably having the same issue as in this thread. So is there any way to have the “3D photo feature” symbols controls with an object that is on a tracking image? Can’t set it straight under a tracking image, and I’ve been trying to work around it but been unsuccesful.