3D Model help - user interacting with model

Hi there,

I’ve looked for the answer, but can’t seem to find it. I would like put a 3D model into studio, and then have questions appear beside it. This much I’m ok with, I’ve been practising with Zapbot. What I would like to do is allow the user to interact with the 3D object, such as rotate it on their screen. I know you can do this with the 3D photo feature, however, I don’t want the photo bit (ie the buttons at the bottom). Is there a way to do it?



Hi Libby,

The onScreenObject subsymbol within the 3D Photo Feature template/example is the bit that handles the manipulation of the 3D object.

You can export this symbol out and bring it into your own project :slight_smile:


Hi Mark,

Thanks very much, I thought there must be an easy way to do it. Worked a treat :slight_smile:
