Target Images

I can see in your tutorials that you add a target image with a zapcode already associated. The only way I did this before was to create one in designer. If I am using studio where do you get the zapcode? I am following your tutorial on Tracking Images and wanting to add a target image. I know I am probably missing something very simple but just not sure.

Hey Ray!

In order to download your Studio code you will want to head into your dashboard. This is

If you have not done so already, click “Make a new zapcode” in the top left corner. Select either a circle or lozenge, give it a title and then a Studio code. This will then create a card in your dashboard with the title you just chose.

If you click into this card, you will see a new screen, which has your unique zapcode available to download in either SVG or PNG format. You can then add this zapcode to your target image using photo editing software such as Photoshop.


I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:


Thanks Chris. I was using studio which is desktop app and didn’t realise I needed to go back to dashboard to do it. Makes sense. Thanks for getting back to me.
Cheers mate.

Glad it is sorted now!

Speak soon.