Memory game

i want to ask if there is a way to create Memory game,
The user has cards, need to match 2 cards to scan 1 zapcdoes .
let say the user scanned 1 zapcode, but nothing will happen until he scans other zapcode.
when first scanning the first zapcode to have message please scan the next zapcode, if the second zapcode is matching then the user will see some augmented reality experience.
that mean need to match 2 cards in order to have augmented reality experience!

is there anyway I can do it?

it will be helpful to create augmented reality games for small kids, based in memory cards game.

Best regards.

is there any update for this question please ?

Thank you.

Hi Elias,

This would be possible by using Studio’s ability to store a small amount of persistent data on the user’s device.

You could perform a Z.device.retrieve() function at the beginning of your experience, which will return undefined initially, as no data has been stored.

When retrieving the value of the data, if undefined is returned, use the function to store data (so that it can be retrieved on subsequent scans).

When scanning the same zapcode a second time, the Z.device.retrieve() function will retrieve the data stored on the first scan.

You could then use this information in your experience’s logic to activate / show certain parts of the experience.

Hope this helps.

All the best,

hello is there any ready file, that you can send me , that have this feature, or codes ?

Hi Elias,

We don’t currently have any example projects to share, but the link above does contain a few code examples so feel free to use them as a guide, and if you run into any issues please let me know.

All the best,

it will be good if you can create small example project:)))…
i know zappar team always giving the best support …

Best regards.

Thank you for your kind words Elias, we always welcome suggestions for functionality users would like us to include in future tutorials :slight_smile:

However, we do also have a road map of content we’re working on, so we won’t be able to create a bespoke example project for you at this time.

Feel free to have a go using the examples in the article linked above and let us know how you progress with its implementation.

All the best,

Hi Elias. If you really need the experience to work like that, you need an external database. This is the idea:
1-Scan first zapcode, see that there is nothing on external database. Store the information that first zapcode was scanned successfully.
2-Scan second zapcode. Check external database and see that first zapcode was scanned successfully. Since the second one was also scanned successfully, unlock augmented reality experience. If you are going to use an external database, I recommend couchdb or pouchdb-server because you can communicate with them using simple http requests, so ZapWorks Studio’s ajax works. There is a small caveat though.. You’d need to set up a proxy to handle the requests and pass on to the database.

What I suggest, however, is that you rethink your game to work with a single zapcode. This way, you can use ZapWorks Studio’s ability to store persistent data across scans for a same zapcode. Which really would be much easier.

Hello, Marks.
Thank you for your replay.
so I can do it without using ajax or such thing, simply with zapwroks studio, and 1 zapcodes. ?
but it will be helpful for me , and for all the zapwros users if you can provide me simple zpp file, that contain those functions because it will take me 2 days to create such thing.
just to show me how i can store simple experience on the mobile user, and show all the experience when i will scan again zapcode.
If that possible,

Thank you :)…