Importing multiple objects issues

I’m trying to create an interactive city with different buildings that pop up. Do I have to import each building seperately to be able to control it or can I export as a POD and then reference the individual models within that file ?

If I have to import each one it seems I have to specifiy the scale for each one but even setting that at the same scale brings the objects in at different scales.

Really could do with some help asap. Thanks.

If they all are the same pod file that you want to use you can just have one imported on the right. Then add as many of them you need to your tree on the left.

I have a game I’m working on for my boys that has one pod file (a block) and i added it as beeded to make the game.


Okay that’s great but how do I reference each item within the POD file if, for example, I need to animate individual items or create states for them ?

For example, if I have 5 objects witin a single POD file…

Here is a file where I have 1 POD loaded 3 times and each moving.
Hope it helps.

Pod Help.zpp (357.8 KB)

Thanks for that. How though would I animate the arms & legs etc ? Is there a way to access those components ?

That depends on your Pod file. If it has animation with in it then yes. Each 3d added to the tree can be called on its own to play as needed. The best example of this is the socker demo. It has a 3d player that has many animated moves. And it show how to import the pod file and set the animation up.


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Hi @steve.wilson,

As @stevesanerd mentioned, ideally your pod files should have animations baked into them before importing to Studio.

You can do this from within your 3D software.

Within Studio you’ll then be able to access these baked animations and create timelines with them.

However, if you need greater control over how your pre-baked animations play within Studio, then it may be best to export these as separate pod files.

Hope this helps.
