Can Zap codes handle a card game?

I have a client who’s interested in augmenting a card game/board game. They’d like an AR solution that places an animated character on top of each card, with multiple cards in view, and, when two cards are close enough, have both characters play a battle animation. Is this something we could execute with Zapworks?

-Tracking position/rotation of multiple markers simultaneously
-Drawing specific characters on specific markers
-Querying distance between markers, and using that to trigger an animation

I assume we’re probably talking about the simplified markers you use on the Zapbox controllers, with a single zapcode perhaps on the gameboard, or elsewhere, to load the experience. I haven’t used the ZapBox tech yet, only the old, single-marker, ZapStudio.


Hi Adam,

Apologies for the delay in response on this one, hope you and your kittens are well :smile:

Having spoken with the ZapBox and platform team it seems that this type of idea would be better suited to the standard Studio solution as opposed to ZapBox.

That being said this is the type of project that would need multiple tracking image support to be able to track multiple cards at once. This is something that is currently a feature request with the platform team (no current ETA) but not something that is possible now.


Ah well. Thanks for the reply.